Project Linus donate quilts to Home-Start for children in need of a hug

Many of the young children in the families that we support have been affected by the pandemic for a large part of their lives. As the UK starts to return to some semblance of normality, these little ones have missed out on interacting and socialising with their peers, extended family members and other adults, and the effects have been significant.

Towards the end of 2020, we were approached by a local Project Linus group, who provide handmade bespoke patchwork quilts and blankets to sick, disabled or disadvantaged children. Due to the pandemic, local hospitals were unable to accept these wonderful quilts, and so they gave us a few of them to share with some of the Home-Start children.

Security blankets can be “transitional objects,” which help children transition from the familiar to the unfamiliar and from dependence to independence.

We were therefore thrilled to have been offered another batch of these individually made unique patchwork quilts towards the end of 2021.

A total of 17 children benefitted from receiving one of the stunning quilts, all delivered by Home-Start staff and volunteers, along with their Christmas presents in December.

We received so many appreciative messages from the families who received a quilt for their child. This extra huggable comfort in the form of the colourful patchwork quilts contributed to the children feeling safe, warm and secure and was just what the doctor ordered!

On behalf of the families and children, Home-Start would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Sheila and her team for providing these quilts, which will be loved and treasured for many years. They truly are beautiful works of art.

To find out more about this amazing organisation, visit Project Linus UK.

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