Family Stories

Over the past 39 years, we have supported thousands of families through difficult times. Every family we work with is unique and therefore every family story is unique too, with different needs, different strategies and different outcomes.

Our family stories below are examples of the kind of support that we have offered some of the families that we have worked with. However:

  • There is no measure as to what ‘challenges’ a family must be facing in order to be eligible for Home-Start support.
  • Parenting is tough, there is no rule book and sometimes simply being tired and run down can make being a parent seem overwhelming.

Here are a few stories which illustrate how we help change families’ lives….

Mental Ill Health: Katie and Tia’s Story

Katie was referred to us by Community Mental Health Services. She had long-standing mental health issues, including depression and high levels of anxiety. She lacked confidence and had low self-esteem.

Read their story

Isolation: Anna, Oliver and Amy’s Story

The health visitor initially referred the family, as they had recently moved to the area and were living in a first-floor flat in a rural location. Mum, Anna did not have any local support, did not know the area and did not have any friends.

Read their story

Physical Disability and Illness: Emily and Joshua’s Story

Emily and Joshua were referred to Home-Start by their GP. Emily had long-standing mental-health issues and high levels of anxiety. Her son Joshua (20 months) had significant developmental delay with limited mobility and communication.

Read their story

When a Relationship Ends: Lisa, Sally and Emma’s Story

Lisa’s Health Visitor referred Lisa and her family to us. Lisa had mental health issues, including depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, due to experiences in her past. She also struggled with high levels of anxiety.

Read their story

Twins, Triplets & Many Children: Jenny, Paul, Sam, Matthew and Karen’s Story

Jenny and her family were referred to us by their Health Visitor, as Jenny was struggling to cope with having six-week old twins (Matthew and Karen) and an active toddler, Sam (2 ½ years).

Read their story

Bereavement: Debbie, Darren and Philip’s Story

The family were referred to us by their school. Darren (7 years) and Philip’s (4 years) dad had died four years earlier, just after Philip was born. Both children were displaying very challenging behaviour and Debbie was finding them difficult to cope with at home.

Read their story

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