Local celebrations for Love your Home-Start day

So far, 2021 has been a pretty strange year: home-schooling, home-working, still no contact with friends and family, and planning for in-person events continues to be uncertain.

So, a twist on our Love Your Home-Start Day, on Friday 12th February we turned our annual school dress-down day into a local celebration!

Schools and businesses around the Home-Start area were invited to attend home-school or work dressed in the Home-Start colours of raspberry, purple, orange or blue or wearing something heart-shaped.

Normally, our Love Your Home-Start Day happens only in schools, and we give everyone who takes part a sticker. But that was a bit tricky to arrange this year, what with one thing and another, so instead we sent out activity packs to all the schools to distribute amongst their students. The packs included some fun recipes for home-made playdough and biscuits, a Wordsearch, some card-making ideas and lots more. (Want to try out some of the activities yourself? Download the pack here.)

We invited local businesses to get involved too, where employees dressed up for the day and donated through various platforms.

We had such a great response from across our area that next year we’re planning on making this a much bigger event, so watch this space!

All in all, the schools and businesses that got involved with the day really came up trumps and between them, they raised a fantastic £840.67!!

A huge Thank You to everyone involved and thanks for loving your Home-Start 💖

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