Hug in a Mug Campaign Launch

Well, what a year 2020 has been so far hey?

It’s been challenging in so many ways for us all. We’ve had lockdown, restrictions, home-schooling, working from home and many changes to our daily routines to contend with. It’s been a real struggle for some, but none more so than parents trying to juggle work, school and other issues they face.

And that’s where Home-Start come in… we pride ourselves on our ability to face every challenge with a smile and a cup of tea. And we bring this resilience and support to our families, in the hope that they can see light at the end of the tunnel.

And even though our funding streams have taken a huge hit this financial year, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve kept that support going without interruption.

A new campaign

But it’s not all bad news… our clever team have come up with the wonderful ‘Hug In A Mug’ campaign – and we are super excited to share it with you!

A short time ago, we asked some of our staff, volunteers, trustees and supporters to help us make a short video to help highlight the need for our much-needed funding. We created a text donation campaign and initially wanted to call it ‘Donate a Cuppa’ but felt that it wasn’t the right name for us. So, after some discussion, we chose ‘Hug in a Mug’ instead!

We received clips of our ‘stars’ sharing their mug of tea across the screen with other ‘stars’ and with a bit of amazing editing from Cathy’s Dad, we’ve got this wonderful clip to show you. It’s brought a smile to our faces each time we watch it, and we hope it does the same for you too!

Instructions for text donation

Campaigns that ask for text donations usually come with a keyword to text and a number to send it to.

So, for example, in the case of our Hug in a Mug campaign, you would need to text one of the following words (depending on your preferences) to the number 70085:

HOMESTARTHUG (to donate a one-off amount of £3) or HOMESTARTHUGINFO (if you don’t want to be on our mailing list)


HOMESTARTHUGS (to donate an amount of £3 per month) or HOMESTARTHUGSINFO (if you don’t want to be on our mailing list)

Then hit ‘Send’ to trigger the donation. You will then receive a text message asking you to confirm your donation. Reply with ‘yes’ to finish the transaction.

Please share this page far and wide, with your friends, family and work colleagues. And while you’re doing that, don’t forget to text! 😉

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