Mandy’s story: A Rewarding and Enriching Experience

Volunteering with Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire is one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences I have ever had the opportunity to take part in.  Since joining the organisation nearly two years ago I have had the privilege of working with five families in their homes.  Each one has been different, each one is special and without doubt, I have learnt more from them than they have from me.

It is humbling and at times overwhelming to walk in the shoes of a family that is experiencing difficulties, often through no fault of their own. It has given me great insight into how events can cascade out of control in a very short space of time, especially when you haven’t got the benefit of close friends and family around you.

It has surprised me that giving just a small commitment of time to a family each week can be enough to pick them up out of the doldrums and empower them to see a brighter future.

Throughout my experience with the charity, the support in the office has been the most invaluable source of guidance, reassurance and friendship.  It really is a team effort.  No part of the organisation could function without the underpinning of the other.

*Name has been been changed

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