£10,000 matched funding awarded again to Home-Start from Four Acre Trust

We are absolutely delighted to have again been awarded £10,000 of matched funding from the Four Acre Trust. As we continue to see rises in our referral rates, funding like this is crucial in helping us to meet the needs of the families that we support.

What this matched funding means to Home-Start

Last year this opportunity helped us to secure a total of £15,920 in funding, enabling us to continue providing services to local families. In 2021-2022 we saw our referrals rates rise by more than 100% and we anticipate receiving referrals at a similar rate for the forthcoming year.

Home-Start continues to be totally self-funding, relying on opportunities to make applications to available pots of money from various Trusts and Foundations and Statutory sources. We also rely on the goodwill of our local community who continue to impress us with their creativity and enthusiasm when it comes to helping us raise funds, participating in sponsored challenges, attending our fundraising events and helping us to connect with local organisations and individuals who support us.

So, an opportunity like this one is especially important to a small charity like ours. Especially when our funding target for 2022/23 is a staggering £200,000!! If we meet our full quota of funding from this initiative, that’s 10% of our total target, which would be just incredible. And sadly, this will be the last time that Home-Start is able to benefit from this wonderful opportunity, as after 25 years of successful grant making, The Four Acre Trust will close on the 31st of March 2023.

How does the matched funding work?

As before, the award means that every eligible donation that the charity receives between now and 31 December 2022 will be doubled by Four Acre Trust, up to a limit of £10,000 in total. The Trust stipulates that:

  • the donation must be a minimum of £500 per donor,
  • must be from a new donor, and
  • must be donated by 31 December 2022.

Every £500 that is donated to Home-Start by a NEW donor will be worth £1,000!!

  • Enough to pay for 3 volunteers’ initial training or
  • support a family with one-to-one support for 6 months or
  • provide a summer outing for up to 30 families.

If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this last opportunity to help Home-Start raise crucial funds, then please get in touch today. You can contact us on 01763 262262 or email admin@hsrsc.org.uk, and please share our news far and wide to help us reach our target!!

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