A fond farewell to our Home-Start Trustee

In December last year (2021), we said a final farewell to one of our long-standing Trustees, Linda Smith, as she retired from her role on the Board of Trustees.

Linda, who has been a Trustee with Home-Start Royston, Buntingford & South Cambridgeshire since 2009 (!!) will be greatly missed by all.  Linda’s contribution to Home-Start has spanned so much of the organisation. From her knowledge of HR to her leadership with our Fundraising Events, and her incredible skills of craft and creativity that she shared with volunteers and staff at various events as well as families at our Family Support Groups.

Linda has always been an incredible champion of Home-Start, talking at many various groups and events about the importance of the work that the charity provides when offering support to local families in our community.

In her role as Chair of the Fundraising Events Group, Linda made sure that there was a varied and interesting programme of events running each year.  She was fundamental in arranging the successful concerts that Home-Start put on in 2017 and 2019, as well as coordinating the sing-along Grease event, hosted in partnership with The Royston Cinema. 

Linda has also spent many a cold winters afternoon collecting foliage for Home-Start’s Christmas door decoration events. And she was responsible for securing our wonderful partnership with Jude Simpson, Home-Start’s Poet-in-Residence, a relationship that continues to bring enormous value to our charity in so many ways.

We would like to say a huge THANK YOU to Linda for all the time, care and compassion that she has given to Home-Start over so many years.  We thanked Linda by presenting her with a lovely book of messages and memories, a beautiful bouquet of flowers and some gardening vouchers which she was delighted to receive.

Linda, we wish you all the best for the future… enjoy your Granny duties and don’t be a stranger!

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