Rob smashes his Iron Man challenge

One of our amazing supporters, Rob Turner, recently completed an amazing (and tough) challenge by himself, while raising money for Home-Start.

Rob was due to take part in the Nottingham Outlaw, an “iron man” triathlon based around the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham.

If you haven’t heard about this Iron Man triathlon before, brace yourself – it’s definitely one for the more serious athlete!

Iron Man challenges usually involve a 2.4-mile swim (which typically starts at sunrise in an outdoor lake), followed by a 112-mile bike ride and finishing with a 26-mile marathon – and all within strict time limits. There are several such triathlons around the UK, but the Nottingham Outlaw is the original one.

The event Rob had signed up for was due to take place at the end of July but was cancelled owing to the COVID-19 pandemic. Rob, undeterred, decided to go ahead and do the challenge anyway – on his own.

Accompanied by his partner Alice, and other members of their family, Rob travelled from Royston to Bedford on Saturday 4th July, swam his 2.4 miles in Box Park Lake, before launching himself into the bike ride and marathon.

Rob smashed his target: he completed all three challenges in 13 hours and 42 minutes.

Rob’s decision to name Home-Start as his chosen charity was attributed to his mum Bev’s activities with us over the years, so to him, it seemed like the obvious choice. 

If you would like to make a donation towards Rob’s efforts and help Home-Start in the process, please click here.

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