Babies, parents and COVID-19: Tell us your experiences

Are you expecting a baby, or have you given birth or adopted a baby in the past two years? We want to hear how COVID-19 and the stay at home advice is affecting you and your baby. What are your concerns and challenges?

Please take a few minutes to complete our survey. (You can find the survey here.)

We want to make sure that the voices of parents are heard. And we’ll be sharing what we learn so that the experiences of parents and their babies are at the front of people’s minds when decisions are being taken. It is important we all understand more about the worries of parents and the challenges they are facing at this unique time.  

Home-Start Royston, Buntingford & South Cambridgeshire is joining Home-Start UK, Best Beginnings, the Parent-Infant Foundation, and the Maternal Mental Health Alliance to launch a new survey to gather the experiences and concerns of families at this time. 

No other cohort of parents in the UK has ever had to go through social distancing and a global pandemic as they navigate pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. We want to make sure that the voices of a large and diverse group of parents are heard and that parental experiences and those of their children are at the forefront when decisions are being taken.

We encourage every new or expectant parent to take a few moments to share their experiences with us. Please do share this survey with anyone who you think could help. 

You can find the survey here.

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