Snowflake Appeal 2019

Get involved with our Snowflake appeal 2019 and help raise money for Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire.

Every Snowflake is entirely unique, just like the families that HSRSC support. You can raise money for your local Home-Start that will help us to continue to support local families in the unique and original way that each family requires support, by joining in with our snowflake themed fundraising campaign. 

This year we would like our campaign to be bigger than ever, representing the fact that we are now supporting more families than ever before in our local area.  We are encouraging our supporters to raise money by holding a snowflake related event. 

You could host a snowflake tea party, cake sale or coffee morning at home, at your workplace, in a local community space, with your local preschool or indeed anywhere you like.  Invite all your friends, family, colleagues, neighbours and bring cake, make cake, sell cake, eat cake, share cake recipes.

We can provide you with a fundraising pack that includes posters, money box to collect donations, information about our Home-Start and what we do, invites, a snowflake cutter to make cookies as well as recipes for biscuits and cakes.

A fabulous way to share some Christmas time with friends and family knowing that your donations will help us to support more families in 2020.  Please get in touch for your Snowflake pack and let us know how we can support you.

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